by A.O Joel | Dec 30, 2016 | All Posts
Heavy heart. Broken spirit. Shattered hope! He knelt right there, in the same garden where hope was created. The same ground upon which the created sun first shone! It all started here in the garden, even though Gethsemane was a far cry from Eden. Even so, it reminded...
by A.O Joel | Oct 31, 2016 | All Posts
“I will … transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope.” – God in Hosea 2 vs 15 Hurricane Mathew! The most powerful storm to hit the Atlantic in over a decade! From the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, Mathew was churning winds of 160 mph at its core. It was a...
by A.O Joel | Sep 25, 2016 | All Posts
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”- Pablo Picasso In a town called the valley of gifts lived a little boy who was too little to make a difference! Not only was he too little to make a difference, but he had one little...
by A.O Joel | Jul 26, 2016 | All Posts
Morning after morning I slump into my spot at the driver’s seat, take my car wheel and mutter a few words of prayer I have known to be more of a family recitation; some lines I had pick up from years of sitting alongside my Dad in the front seat of his Mitsubishi...
by A.O Joel | May 29, 2016 | All Posts
“I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.” King David attributed existence to purpose! Psalm 118:17 & 71: 18 both express the same undertone – I am alive for a purpose, without this purpose I’d be dead. It is as if to conclude that the purpose...
by A.O Joel | Mar 31, 2016 | All Posts
God might take you down but He will never let you down The eagle is majestic bird that has caught my awe since I was a little boy! The deep respect I have for this bird of prey has prompted a deep desire to learn more about it. One particular demeanor of the eagle I...