We always look for springtime as a refreshing time of year when we transition from the cold winter months and into the blooming of God’s nature. The grass begins to grow and the wildlife starts to stir again. Of course, this year is no different. But, spiritually speaking, the spring of 2017 has a unique feel to it compared to previous years. God is definitely up to something and I indeed sense we’re on the cusp of something new.
The previous seasons have been challenging and many have grown weary from fighting the good fight. God has certainly pruned the called and humbled the proud. I can see there’s been an enormous pressing. The new wine has arrived and we’re now entering a season of renewal in new wineskins. The old things have passed away and the new things are beginning to bloom by His hands.
The Father says, “I am rolling back the tide so you can freely explore the shoreline. I want you to explore the options set before you. Follow My footprints in the sand and I will lead you there.”
See, in previous seasons many have felt like the waves were overtaking them on the shoreline of life. But, this one will be different! He’s going to relieve some pressure for those who have been obedient and faithful. His goodness is about to manifest in tremendous ways. New opportunities will arrive out of nowhere and collide into our normal routine. Of course, Jesus will still need us to explore. So, we must continue to follow His footprints and lay our trust in Him. Knowing that Jesus is guiding the path is the faith that ensures a complete victory. We cannot lose! It’s not possible.
I hear the Lord saying, “The gates are open and it’s time to run. Can you keep up with My footprints?”
Yes, Jesus is sending an invitation and the outcomes are dependent upon our participation. We can choose to sit around and grumble or we can chase His footprints of victory. So, ask yourself, “What is the benefit of grumbling when I can walk and run with the King?” There’s no better time to start walking and running your race. The green flag has dropped and He’s waiting on you to accelerate the throttle. The question is, “Are you willing?” He’s leaving it completely up to you. I know where I’m headed. How about we join together and embark on an awesome journey? Jesus is definitely waiting and He’s providing us a new season of renewal.