How to build an altar of prayer in your home.
An Altar is a portal through which the spirit realm intervenes in the physical realm. Do you remember the story of Jacob and the ladder of Angels in Genesis?
Abraham built an altar at Bethel years before his grandson passed through. It was no coincidence that Jacob, his grandson encountered the supernatural at the same place his grandfather raised an altar to God. The truth is Bethel already harbors the supernatural before Jacob had that sleepover.
The secret to making your home a perpetual source of God’s presence and blessings is raising an altar of prayer in your home. When we do, our home becomes a conduit of God’s blessings to your family and those around us.
So, in this post, I discussed seven practical steps to building an altar of prayer in your home.
1- Find a prayer spot in your home.
Luke 5:16. As often as possible, Jesus withdrew to out-of-the-way places for prayer.
A prayer could be said at any time and anywhere. However, fervent prayer often mandates the need to withdraw from the typical hustle and bustle of a busy life into a quiet spot (be it physical or in the mind). So, find a space in your home and shut its door to everything else but prayer.
2- Adorn your prayer spot with scriptures.
Hebrew 4:12. For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
God’s word is a powerful tool for offense. The word of God encourages us in the place of prayer.
Also, pray the scriptures, and you will never pray amiss.
3- Dedicate your prayer spot to prayer and just prayer, nothing else.
Matthew 21:13. My house was designated a house of prayer…
God inhabits a home where a prayer altar is raised, and such home always becomes divine conduit. God’s glory is evident in and never departs from such home.
4- Pick your prayer time slot.
Genesis 3:8. Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day…
God sure can keep an appointment, that is what Genesis 3:8 hints. God will always show up at your appointment if you create one for him in your day. It is true you can pray to God anytime but picking and sticking to a particular time slot or range to spend alone with God will make you consistent in prayer.
God will always show up at your appointment if you create one for him in your day.
5- Be consistent in prayer.
1 Thessalonian 5: 17. Pray continually.
Consistency attracts divine presence. If you want more divine presence in your home, bring in consistency in the place of prayer.
Consistency attracts divine presence.
6- Encourage family members to use your prayer spot.
Matthew 18:19. “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.
When the whole family including children starts to learn to pray, the enemy loses his hold on such a home and God’s presence picks up residence.
7- Occasionally, call a fast.
Joel 1:14. Announce a time of fasting; call the people together for a solemn meeting. Bring the leaders and all the people of the land into the Temple of the LORD your God and cry out to him there.
Add a fast to spice up your prayer times.
Fasting is known to be a powerful consecration tool; it is also proven to be of good benefit to your health.
In summary, this post is not so much about building a physical prayer altar (even though it addresses that), it is that after consistently going through the steps highlighted in the post, you and your household would have set yourselves on the path to being built up as a spiritual prayer altar upon which acceptable sacrifices of prayer is offered to God.
I Peter 2: 5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Thanks for reading, please leave your comments in the box below. I’d love to hear from you. Check the resources page to get a printable version of the altar of prayer info-graphic above.

Hello Shadrick. You don’t really need to burn candles. You can adorn your prayer altar walls with bible verses, prayer requests, put a bible on a table or a chair. If you believe in setting up monuments, you can also put anything that reminds you of God’s goodness. After all is said and done, what really matters is showing up in the place of prayer. God’s blessings.
Thanks Joel,, this is helpful only if could get a picture of a Christian alter
i think a cross of christ is good to use
I agree, Mary.
This is really helpful. Thank you God bless🙏
Thanks for stopping by, Bonolo. God’s blessings.
I’m richly blessed with this message. Thank you, and God bless you.
Thanks for stopping by.
Thank you very much this teaching. It inspires me because I have a strong desire to have a consistent prayer Life.
Please pray along me in this direction. Also, help me with more lessons on prayer.
Hello Joseph. I so glad to hear from you. I pray the good Lord will strengthen your prayer life and bless you with the stillness and peace you need to respond more to Him. I pray that He will help you to be still and know that He reigns supreme over all the noises and distractions around you. Amen. You can check my other articles on prayer. I have provided a link below. Don’t forget to join my mailing list for new posts as they come in. God bless you.
Hi this was very helpful in building Altar with God as he instructed me to do.
Thanks for stopping by. I pray that God will take deeper in knowledge of Him.
Am so blessed by this message🙏. God richly bless you.
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Kindly guide on how to build warfare prayer alter that will help my family win the known spiritual battles we have been going through.
Hello John. Thanks for your comment. The New Testament altar is much more spiritual, as Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice offered at the Calvary. However, I believe in a symbolic altar as a reminder of the atonement already made on the cross for our sins, healing, and victory from all forms of spiritual battles you may be facing. I would encourage you to dedicate a spot in your home for prayers; you are free to throw in any object of faith, such as a cross, a stone, or the bible, and adorn the wall with scriptures such as 2 Corinthians 10:4-6, 1 John 4:4, Isaiah 54:17, Eph. 6:11-17, Luke 10:19, Matt. 18:18-19, Deut. 28:7, John 16:33, 1 John 3:8, Josh. 23:10, Deut. 3:22, Ps. 44:5, Psalm 27, Psalm 118, Psalm.18:39, Psalm. 91:1-4, 2 Chronicles. 20:15. Follow the ideas in my article, and please note your prayers are of utmost importance and not the objects. You are victorious in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Hi im Patricia, this is just awesome confirmation of what The Holy Spirit told me a prayer altar is all about. Thank you
Hi, Patricia. Thanks for stopping by. I am so glad you found this post helpful. God bless you.
Very good outlines,I love this thanks for explaining to us how to build a prayer life.
God bless you, Eloise
This really helpful may God bless you for this knowledge
Thanks for stopping by.
This is really helpful, thanx may God bless you
Thanks for stopping by.
This is really helpful thanx.
Thanks you, Mirriam
I really enjoyed reading your post. Fasting can never hurt as you said, and prayer is always timely. My issue is finding a space. My closet is packed with more crafting supplies thank clothing lol but I will clean it out and organize! Bless you
Thank Joan. God bless you
Thank you for stopping by. Financial offering if given with the right heart is another way we worship God.
Thank you for opening your heart and pouring out the giftings of God in you to help others’ faith in God. Sir can an offering or a seed be dropped at the perosnal alter, if yes what should it be used for?
Thank you very much sir, can offering and seeds be dropped on the alter?
I like this….
Thanks so much for this.
I had a prayer spot in my village when I was single, I left it because I relocated after I got married..
1.Now Should I set up another one and destroy old one?
2.Can someone set up an alter up to 2 or 3 places like home, shop and maybe village?
Very inspiring guide rendered with simplicity. God bless you!
Amen. Thanks for stopping by, Blessing.
Hi Regina,
You are not wrong for raising a prayer alter. I am sure God will meet with you where you are if you are willing. Amen. For God’s calling upon your life to materialize, you do need a personal relationship with Him. God has not called us to religious routine, He wants us to know him personally. I pray God will meet with you where you. Please reach out to me if you need more help. God bless you.
Nothing but you can put some things at the spot to make the place special like chair table and your bible
Thanks for the clear response
🙏Wherever God did something to our father Abraham, he built an alter and offered sacrifices
Same with king David,, how is this applicable in our days